Bangkok Dentist, Bangkok Dental Clinic @ Sukhumvit

Invisalign, the most advanced clear aligner system.

Invisalign, the most advanced clear aligner system.


Invisalign is the most advanced clear aligner system in the world that straightens teeth without the use of conventional metal braces. Invisalign is a series of medical-grade custom-made clear braces, made from the patented leading-edge BPA-clear plastic that cover your teeth snugly, whilst gently straightening teeth into the proper position progressively in a surely predictable treatment timeline. Over time, people can develop malocclusion; misaligned teeth, crooked teeth, crowned teeth, overbite, crossbite, underbite, open bite, protruded teeth or unsightly teeth due to heredity, feeding habits, thumb-sucking, tooth loss or injury. If there’s too much or too little space in the jaw, the teeth may grow crowded or crooked and drift out of place. Individuals with maloccluded teeth may experience trouble eating, speaking and tooth cavities. In a daily life, maloccluded teeth might make you feel self-conscious or life-struggling when interfacing with others, lower your self-esteem or uncomfortable when socializing with people, and even prevent you from practicing good oral hygiene routine, which can subsequently cause many possible oral issues from buildup plaque and bacteria in the oral cavity.

Braces Orthodontic Treatment

Through the long journey of orthodontic evolution, people have long been creating and designing orthodontic appliances to fix oral functions as well as straighten teeth into a more beautifully uniform alignment with aesthetic appearance. Over decades, braces—a set of metal fixed appliances—have been a major player in the orthodontic dental industry to help straighten teeth and correct many oral issues. Braces consist of metal wire brackets attached to the front surface of your teeth, which connect with very thin wires applying gentle pressure to your teeth to guide them into a straighter position. Braces are known to help fix moderately to severely crooked teeth, overlapped teeth and misaligned bite, whilst regaining functionality and alignment. Nevertheless, braces might irritate cheek, tongue and gum by its sharp edges. The devices require excellent oral hygiene since unremovable attachment can cause dental plaque from food particles trapped as well as relatively healthy teeth, as metal braces use tremendous force to shift teeth straightly advanced.

Invisalign Clear Aligners Treatment

The invented of Invisalign clear aligner has embarked the new era of modern orthodontic innovation that changes the face of orthodontic appliance to be more practically functioning, while minimizing the disadvantage of conventional metal braces to be more compatible with people regardless of their ages, professions and lifestyles. Invisalign is a medically FDA-approved with the utilization of a digital special software to make a series of 3-D custom-calibrated smile simulation to effectively treat a wide range of orthodontic issues from simple to complex. Invisalign technology discreetly straights misaligned teeth, corrects maloccluded teeth, close gapped teeth, fixes crossbite (overbite, open bite or underbite), corrects crooked teeth, refines unsightly protruded, improves speech as well as chewing functions, and prevents some medical issues. Invisalign technology is clinically proven to rejuvenate wrinkles around the mouth. Additionally, Invisalign enhances facial appearance, improves chewing and speaking ability, boosts self-confidence, and increases sociability.

Invisalign 3D Digitally Customized Treatment Journey

At initial consultation, a personalized Invisalign treatment plan will be designed and created based on each individual’s oral issues, requirements and preferred smile. By utilizing of the advanced 3D computer-imaging scanners technology processing to let you see the final result of your new smile in harmony with the entire teeth, jaw and face, in combination work with highly-experienced Invisalign-trained specialists to imitate your bite impression into a series of the Invisalign clear aligner; enabling treatment timeline precision and the visualization of the progressive teeth transformation to the final appearance outcome of a great-looking smile alignment. The progression of your shift teeth will be shown into their proper solutions from the first phase until a complete treatment. An exclusive Invisalign plan will be generated and provided, which clarifies the whole journey to your beautiful smile. This also includes how many sessions appointments for scans and periodic visits to the orthodontist for teeth refinement and to fine-tune the alignment between the shifting teeth and new bite.

A series of customized clear aligners will be molded and designed to fit snugly to each individual mouth shape, using state-of-the-art printing processes to simulate a set of clear braces with a statement of daily wearing and changing routine at home for at least 22 hours a day, averagely every 1 – 2 weeks as directed by the Invisalign specialist for the most effective teeth straightening outcome. Periodic appointments to the orthodontist will be scheduled approximately 4 – 6 weeks to replace a new series of the clear aligner that will shift slowly but surely, little by little straightforwardly advanced to the beautiful smile alignment. Making it all shorter period of time, sure treatment timeline, fewer visits to the orthodontists, completely 100% clear, comfortable and convenient with any lifestyle with a great smile result. At the end of the treatment, the best possible outcome will be noticeably shown and reveal a healthy beautifully-aligned smile in harmony with your teeth, face and jaw; ultimately enhancing the aesthetically pleasing result throughout the entire face with a healthier stunning-looking smile.

Invisalign teeth straightening innovative system methodically transform the malocclusion of the teeth painlessly and discreetly with sets of smartly clear, comfortable and removable orthodontic appliances to provide correct occlusion, aesthetic alignment and cosmetic enhancement and deliver a dazzling beautiful uniform smile. To find more of Invisalign cost in Thailand, please contact Bangkok Smile Dental Clinic team to have an initial consultation and customized treatment plan for you today.

Fast forward into the present, the group now operates 6 dental clinics in Thailand (4 in Bangkok City and 2 in Phuket Island).

Bangkok Smile Dental Clinic Group employs more than 220 professionals and staff and has so far achieved a major global accreditation – The ISO 9001:2015 Certified Clinic and Lab by Bureau Veritas.

Bangkok Smile Dental Clinic Group is one of the largest groups of clinics in the country which serves as a home to the latest technology in cutting-edge dentistry as well as to outstanding dentists who are well-educated and highly-trained in various western countries.

Our dental clinic branches are strategically located in very convenient and accessible places around Bangkok, that’s why we are frequently visited by locals as well as tourists from different parts of the world. Bangkok Smile Dental Clinic Group have 4 Dental Clinic Branches in Bangkok, Thailand.


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New Zealand : 0 9884 9783
Thailand : 0 2664 2800
Int'l phone: +66 2105 4288


32/5 Sukhumvit 21 (Asok Road) Wattana Bangkok 10110 Thailand
Tel : 02 664 2800